Hooked Infra

Hooked Lego System
Hooked Alumni System

Hooked Infra is a groundbreaking gateway that propels the leap from Web2 to Web3. Comprising the innovative Hooked Lego System and the transformative Hooked Alumni System, it pioneers a new stage of Web3 massive adoption. This toolkit streamlines the path to Web3, positioning both businesses and individuals at the forefront of Hooked Ecosystem.

Hooked Lego System

A gateway for seamlessly onboarding Web2 into Web3

Hooked Lego System refers to a modular system of Web3 technology units offered by Hooked Infra. It provides developers with a wide range of customizable components, such as wallet integrations, decentralized identity (DID) solutions, social graph engines, and AI technologies.

Hooked SDK Engine

One-stop infrastructure solution to onboard Web2 projects onto Web3.

  • Hooked Wallet

    Your first Web3 wallet to earn and store assets

  • Hooked Profile

    Establish your Web3 identity

  • Hooked Social Graph

    Start your social networks in Web3

Hooked AI

Empowering businesses with cutting-edge AI technology.

What Hooked Lego Solves

Provides a comprehensive set of modular units, eliminating the need for fragmented solutions.

Enhances security and privacy for managing crypto assets through advanced cryptographic techniques and distributed trust.

Offers a DID-based growth engine, facilitating decentralized user onboarding and retention.

Offer enhanced automation, intelligent data analysis, and personalized user experiences through AI-powered features.

Hooked Alumni System

A gateway for Web3 user transformation and user growth

Hooked Alumni System is a Web2-Web3 transformative gateway that educates, certifies, and rewards Web3 learners. Through gamified learning mechanisms and educational resources, Hooked Alumni System helps businesses transform their existing user base into active participants in the Web3 community.

Alumni Pass

Your exclusive SBT-based pass to embark on the Web3 learning path.


Your NFT-based accomplishment, shaping your unique journey in the SocialFi landscape.

Scholarship Program

Support learners in their Web3 education journey by offering incentives and rewards for their achievements and progress.

What Hooked Alumni Offers

Expands the user base for business' applications, catalyzes Web2-Web3 user metamorphosis, and propels unprecedented user growth.

Establishes a verified talent reservoir of adept individuals for potential synergies, contributions, and growth avenues.

Provides users with simulated scenarios to practice and apply their knowledge in Web3 real-life situations.

Leverages a comprehensive all-in-one SDK to supercharge business' applications, capitalizing on its frictionless integration capabilities.

Empower users with SBT-based on-chain proof and NFT-based achievements, reshaping their SocialFi landscape.

Onboarding Use Cases

Hooked has been dedicated to building gamified Web3 learning dApps, which serve as a touchpoint for the beginning of adoption through Hooked Infra. Some of our successful Web3 products include:

Hooked Infra
Onboarding Use Cases
Wild Cash
Lego Modular (Wallet + Growth Engine + Monetization)
  • Successfully increased user size and revenue
  • Over 3M monthly active users
Lego Modular (Wallet + Growth Engine + Monetization)
Live streaming + Learn-to-Earn
  • Successfully increased user engagement and revenue
  • 1.5M+ collected tickets; 300K+ current views
Hooked Academy Sensei
Lego Modular (Wallet + Growth Engine + Monetization)
AI-powered interaction
  • Successfully increased user engagement and interaction rates
  • 1M+ education sessions & still growing; exceeding 2M+ minutes of learning duration
An immersive edutainment network to
onramp the next billion people into Web3
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